We specialize in:
Legal services for Civil Law, Labor Law, Commercial Law, Insolvency Law, Negotiable Instrument Law, Contract Law, legal agreements and other legal documents. We offer a full consultation which includes a proper legal analysis of your situation, and proposals for the most effective solutions.
Divorce proceedings
Legal consultancy and service including representing clients in divorce proceedings and arrangements for future property of a minor child. Individual approach based on client´s needs and difficulty of their life-changing situation, which a divorce certainly is.
Service for companies
A full-range service including legal help with foundation, management and termination of companies, contract relationships with business partners, work relationships, enforcement of claims and other legal services associated with the existence and activities of commercial companies.
Mgr. Iveta Petřeková, attorney-at-law
Ms. Petrekova is an attorney registered in ČAK (the Czech Bar Association, registration number 15890), having completed her studies at the Masaryk University Faculty of Law in 2008.
With all her clients, Ms. Petrekova's first priority is providing individual, professional service with a personal investment in her clients' needs and goals in the legal field.
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